Many artists prefer to use custom domain names for their linkshares as it helps build credibility with followers by providing them with a professionally branded and unique URL.
You can purchase a domain name from loads of different providers but we recommend using GoDaddy and have put together this article with them in mind, but the majority of providers will work in a very similar way.
Step by step:
1. Go to Artist Settings > Custom Domain and enter in the domain name you've purchased.
2. Login to the account you have with your domain provider.
3. Find your domain management section.
4. Add a new A record with the following details and save it:
Type: A
Name: @
TTL: 1 hour
5. Add a second A record with the following details and save it
Type: A
Name: www
TTL: 1 hour
6. Save these new records. It should be like the image below.
7. That's it!
The DNS servers can take up to a day to propagate fully globally so it may take up to 24 hours before you can see the custom domains live. If you have any difficulties with this please contact us through the chatbox and we can take a look for you.