Curious about the status of your release? Eager to kick off presaves? Get the lowdown on release statuses and track your progress through our guide!
Draft Status
Your release is in draft mode if:
It hasn't been submitted to us yet.
You've requested revisions post-submission.
Or there's a hiccup with the audio, artwork, or metadata that doesn't meet platform standards (like Apple, Spotify, etc.). We've reverted it to draft for you to make the needed tweaks. Don't miss the details sent to your email or chat!
In Review
Your release is queued up and under the meticulous eye of our distribution team.
In Progress
Congrats, you've cleared our review! Your release is now in the final review phase with our distribution partners, getting prepped for its debut on the streaming giants.
Your release aced all quality checks and is en route to the distribution platforms. It's almost showtime!
Take a bow! Your music is live and streaming across platforms. Time to celebrate!
Action Needed
Hold up, we hit a snag. Check your emails and intercom messages pronto for important updates from our distribution squad. Your swift action is key!